Tuesday, February 2, 2010

What Can/SHOULD I do with an Architecture Degree???

- architecture firm
- interior design
- landscape architecture
- furniture/industrial/exhibition/packaging designer
- professor/instructor
- draw
- ponder
- fluff
- volunteer
- progressive design
- design production
- work at a hotel in South East Asia or the Caribbean?
- photography - though I realized what I most like to photograph are my dogs because they are the most uninhibited and honest subjects I've encountered
- meditate
- something completely different


  1. http://www.miamiadschool.com/advertising-programs/digital-graphic-design

  2. Now you tell me, what do I do with a degree in International Business? Get a job as a copywriter in Beirut, Lebanon? DONE.

  3. Soooo..perhaps something completely different is in order. ;)
