Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Wrong vs. Right

I had a belief that I deemed rock solid. But now, given that (a = belief) + (b = action) = (c = feeling), then the right feeling (c) resultant of a wrong action (b) that does not adhere to the right belief (a), causes the action to be questioned as correct. But it can only be measured, if it's to be measured at all, by the feeling produced. And when it is not coherent with the belief then it must be concluded that the latter must be revised.
When a wrong produces a right, then the wrong must have never been wrong at all.
And the only wrong then must have been the belief in wrong. So, I'm caused - forced, without a choice, but to question my wrongs and rights. For, in fact, the right action is to dispel them all together.

Friday, April 2, 2010